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Terms of Use

QuickManifolds® is a web based service, powered by the patented AutoRouter™ technology*. It designs hydraulic manifolds from schematics created in VEST HyDraw®. The service is available at QuickManifolds.com, which is owned, promoted and managed by VEST, Inc.


Scope of Schematics

Schematic will be limited to 12 screw-in cartridges, or 8-10 cartridges with up to a maximum of 2 D03/D05 interface. Orifices in a manifold are treated as cartridges.


Optimization of Design

  1. Goodness of design is offered as-is.

  2. While QuickManifolds.com designs manifolds for minimal construction holes and small block size, there is no pressure-drop optimization in the design.


Correctness of Design

  1. The internal connections of the design are checked by QuickManifolds for correctness.

  2. The internal design is based on a minimum wall-thickness specified by the Subscriber. The Subscriber assumes responsibility for the consequences of choosing a specific wall-thickness. The Subscriber understands that it is the Subscriber's responsibility to interpret machine duty cycle, operating pressure, material, and desired endurance life, etc., in order to request a minimum wall-thickness from QuickManifolds designs.

  3. The external geometry of the components assembled on the manifold is controlled by input from the Subscriber. VEST is not liable for errors resulting from incorrect Subscriber input.

  4. Subscriber understands that QuickManifolds.com cannot check a circuit for its intended function. Errors in the circuit design will be mirrored in the manifold design.

  5. Subscriber agrees that all hardware manufactured from designs produced through QuickManifolds.com will be tested for safe operation before being put into production.

  6. In the event that a design is claimed as incorrect, VEST's liability is limited to refund a maximum of two times the cost of the design claimed as incorrect, and additionally, issue credit for a re-design. VEST accepts no other liability and provides no other warranty.

  7. Subscriber agrees to hold VEST, Inc. harmless for any and all liabilities that may arise in connection with this service.

Availability of Service

  1. It is understood that while VEST will make every effort to ensure that the service is available at all times, there may be times when the service is unavailable momentarily.

  2. If the Subscriber wishes to cancel a particular design submission due to unavailability of service, the charges for that design will be reversed.


Guarantee of Results

Designs once submitted to QuickManifolds, cannot be cancelled. For schematics which have a large number of components and/or a large number of connections, QuickManifolds may fail to deliver a result. No charge will appear on Subscriber's account, if QuickManifolds fails to design.

If the Subscriber believes that a design produced is unacceptable, then the Subscriber must notify VEST within 3 business days of the design being created. Charges for the design will be reversed within an additional 3 business days of such notification, and the credit will appear in the Subscriber's account.


Software from QuickManifolds

  1. Subscription to QuickManifolds.com entitles the Subscriber to free download of the QuickManifolds Viewer.
    - The viewer can be installed on any number of machines.
    - The viewer can only be used to view QuickManifolds manifold designs.

  2. When the Subscriber terminates subscription to QuickManifolds.com, Subscriber agrees to uninstall all installations of the QuickManifolds Viewer.


Mandatory Software Purchase

  1. QuickManifolds.com requires HyDraw or MDTools software to submit circuits for manifold design.

  2. The Subscriber must purchase a minimum of one license of either HyDraw schematic drawing software, or MDTools® for Inventor or SolidWorks.

  3. The Subscriber must have a maintenance and support subscription for the licenses of HyDraw or MDTools purchased.


Subscription Restrictions

The subscription minimum fee, entitles only the Subscriber the rights to use the service. This subscription cannot be shared with others. Violation will result in cancellation of subscription privileges.


Terms of Agreement

This agreement sets the terms for one year of service. VEST may unilaterally change the terms of this agreement at any time by giving a 30 day notice in writing.

* US Patent No 7558713




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