

What is QuickManifolds.com ?

QuickManifolds is a web-based fully-automated design service that will transform your business by enhancing your ability to deliver hydraulic manifolds. You can also select a manifold manufacturer from our fast turnaround manufacturing partners, and get your manifold part shipped within five days.


QuickManifolds lets your sales engineers quickly get quotations, designs, and manifold hardware through VEST and its manufacturing partners.


QuickManifolds receives circuit information in multiple forms, and transforms circuits into 3-D manifold designs using its patented AutoRouter Technology. It produces manufacturing drawings from these 3-D models. The 3-D models and machining drawings are delivered back to the user within few minutes.


QuickManifolds stores a library of standard material, tooling, and cavity data, which is used by the AutoRouter engine to design a manifold. The AutoRouter engine is a complex mathematical rule-based engine, which designs manifolds and optimizes them for volume and construction holes.


Model outputs can be opened in Autodesk Inventor and SolidWorks, and they are editable using VEST MDTools. QuickManifolds is brought to the Fluid Power Industry by VEST, Inc., the creators of the industry leading software products such as HyDraw, MDTools, CAMit and FluidPowerTools.com.